
The Great Escape

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text


It was a beautiful summer day the day Crash decided it was time to go home. She’d been lurking among the wolves of Aryn for quite some time now, and she missed her children. A lot.

Extensive work had gone into finding out where the Alpha’s daughter was being contained, but Crash knew now. And she knew just how she was going to break Bloom out. She waited, silent in the trees a short distance from Bloom’s prison. Alcatraz was a strongly muscled wolf, large and surprisingly agile. Crash would never be able to take him down in a fight. But she had the trust of the pack.

The sun was just beginning to lower in the sky when Crash put her plan into motion. The dying light would make it harder to track them by sight, especially if Bloom could climb the trees as well.

She dropped from the tree without a sound, working up her breathing until she was huffing like she’d been running flat out. Then she burst into the area where Alcatraz and Bloom both were, barely flicking a glance to the captive girl.

“Alcatraz, Seaver and the pack, they need you - there’s been an attack on the pack. A bear, I think, I didn’t stick around to listen. Up near the high country,” she tumbled out, hoping Alcatraz would suggest Crash watch Bloom instead of saying it herself.


Alcatraz glanced up, his ears perked as the new she-wolf, Crash, came bursting through the undergrowth, standing before him and panting for breath. He narrowed his eyes seriously, listened to her words. He let out a low growl, glaring at the sky a moment, as if cursing whatever Gods he may or may not believe in. He got to his paws. “Alright. I’ll head there immediately.” Alcatraz was not a trusting wolf, especially not of newcomers, and he had not gotten the chance to know Crash yet, so trusting her with the hostage was certainly not his ideal choice. But he didn’t see any other choice. He gave her a critical glare, as if she had done something wrong. ”Watch Bloom until I return.” The dark Warden growled, turning his gaze to Bloom he growled in a voice that was strangely gentle, Stay here. and then took off toward the high country. As soon as his paws hit the ground on his first bound, his head was in the air, and a howl was released from his jaws. It was a long, low, deep sound that boomed through the territories of Aryn. It was a call to his packmates, to let them know that he was on his way.

He pounded through the territory toward the high country, his eyes scanning the undergrowth and his nose twitching as he tried to scent the bear. Nothing yet… but he was still a good bit away. He ran faster, throwing his head up again and howling once more. He was hoping that one of them would respond. He just hoped that he was not too late. ”Seaver? The Warden barked loudly. So far he had not seen, smelled, or heard a thing. He growled dangerously, ’If this is one of his stupid tricks...’ he thought to himself. No one would want to know what the end of his thought was.


Bloom was resting behind Alcatraz, the male wolf who had guard duty tonight. The sun was lowering into the distance, or..that is what she thought anyway. The high cliffs blocked most of the sun anyway, but she could see the darkening of the sky and  the sun’s glow disappearing. Another day ends, the night begins.. Another day lost away from her home. With a heavy sigh, she rests her head on top of her paws.

She was just about to begin her sleep for the night, when she heard someone moving fast through the undergrowth. Raising her head, she spotted Crash burst from the undergrowth. Sputtering something about a bear attacking the pack and demanding that Alcatraz leave to help. Ears pricked up curiously. Was she going to be left with Crash? Crash was a former packmate… Crash may have left Blutwald to join Aryn, but perhaps she’ll be sympathetic toward her and would let her go.

Alcatraz gave a growl at the thought of leaving her. Always wanting to do is duty.. He fixed her with a look that she only returned, then let out a stifled growl of demanding she stay here. Ears folded flat, but she remained silent as he took into the underbrush. Now, she was alone with her ex-pack mate.. Her gaze turned on Crash, eyes wide. Was she going to help her?


The small wolf stayed completely still until Alcatraz left, not even daring to breathe. The instant he disappeared, though, she let out a huge sigh of relief, and turned towards Bloom. The young adult before her looked hopeful, her eyes wide. Crash grinned, feeling a spark of mischievousness alight within her. This was what she was sent to do. Finally the time of action was upon them.

“Get up,” Crash hissed, glancing around them. Her senses returned nothing awry to her, and she wagged her tail slightly as she set her gaze back upon Bloom. “Come on, kiddo. It’s time for us to go home. Can you climb trees, or are we gonna have to leg it?” She wasn’t sure Bloom was in any state to flee swiftly, even though speed was their only advantage. The wolves of Aryn hadn’t been starving her Alpha’s daughter, but they hadn’t exactly been lavishing her with feasts of food.

Her heart beat faster in anticipation of their coming flight. Crash would just have to feed Bloom up as much as she could while they made their way back to Blutwald. No doubt Winema would be shocked to see her daughter looking so malnourished.


Ears pressed forward as Crash looked at her with a mischievous smile. Oh! Just as Crash growled for her to get up, Bloom stumbled to her paws. Crash was on her side! Her mother must’ve sent Crash to get her out. Oh, happy days! She was going home. Bloom walked to Crash’s side, taking a quick glance at where Alcatraz had disappeared. They needed to get a move on, it won’t be long before Alcatraz learned he’d been tricked.

“Can you climb trees, or are we gonna have to leg it?”

Bloom frowned, though her Mother had taught her to climb trees..she was not sure she had any strength to climb. She could run for a short time, but climbing was out of the picture. Besides, she had tested her abilities since her shoulder got ripped into by Ivan’s son. Shaking her head, “No, I don’t think I can climb. I can run for a short burst.” She flinched, the thought of her hindering her own escape hurt. And, now..if she was caught..another would sit beside her in this cave. Bloom knew what would happen next..

Winema would start a war..

Bloom took a few steps forward, her tail wagging, “Come on, we should get moving, yes? I’m ready to go home!”


“Alright,” Crash said, already turning on her tail and leaving Rockhollow Tarn. She worried for Bloom’s stamina, especially since the route she planned on taking was so mountainous. They could detour and splash through a few rivers, circle a few times to confuse the Aryn pursuers, but she had no idea if Bloom could handle that. If she left Bloom at the Nostrils, a place she had been told about, she could turn and try to leave confusing scents.

The land quickly became rocky and perilous, and Crash was forced to slow her pace. She leapt nimbly amongst the rocks, having been there before searching for the way she could take, but she didn’t think Bloom had. “Don’t worry about the pack,” Crash advised Bloom, hoping the younger wolf wouldn’t make a fatal mistake in their haste to get away. “Go as slowly as you need. We’ve got some time…”

At least, she hoped they did. The High Country was almost right across the entire territory, and that was even if Alcatraz could find Seaver there. Nervous, Crash kept hopping from rock to rock, waiting for Bloom to catch up. She tried to keep changing her route, jumping around while Bloom continued in a straightforward manner towards the Nostrils. Intermittently, Crash would backtrace, instructing Bloom to keep going, and would roll over the ground where Bloom had been, trying to disturb the trail.


Already breathless by the time they arrived near the Nostrils--by the way, what kind of name was that? Nostrils. Ugh, she couldn’t wait to get home. Bloom tried to keep an even pace, she didn’t want to break out into a full run because who knows when she’ll need the speed. As the soft soil turned to a rocky environment, she stumbled over the rocks. Doing her best to trail beside Crash she hopped from rock to rock, as she clambered over them clumsily.

Crash told her not to worry about the pack, to focus on where she put her paws. It was so hard to not think about the pack that was no doubt trailing behind them. From time to time Bloom would pause to catch her breath and stretch her aching shoulder. Glancing over her shoulder, she raised her nose to the wind. Could she smell water? Turning back to face the Mountains that loomed ominously over the two wolves, she tucked her tail.

This was a dangerous track, would the Aryns really pursue them into it? Glancing over to Crash, she tilted her head slightly watching her disrupt their scent..or her scent. “Thank you, Crash.. For helping and my mom. I know this probably wasn’t easy..”  She told her, then took a deep breath and pressed onward...


“It’s what I do,” Crash replied to Bloom shortly, but not unkindly. The younger wolf looked frightened, and Crash’s head was swimming with all the ways this could go wrong. She tried her best to remain calm and self-assured for Bloom, but comfort wasn’t her strong suit. It took all she had to not just begin barking orders and pushing Bloom to her limits.


High Country was known for it’s lush forests and mountainous terrain with winding streams and grassy fields, very much opposite to the Barrens. But for Coursers, this area of Aryn was also known for another specific detail; mountain hares. Hares were different than rabbits, they were larger and a hell of a lot more faster than your standard Peter Cottontail. They were perfect chase practice targets and loads of fun to run after just for giggles if the daily chores were finished early, which entirely was the case for two of Aryn’s most active Coursers Gamma Seaver and Delta Lawson. Despite their rank differences, the two were very much equals in the sense of friendship, and this would be a prime example of Seaver talking Lawson into another great adventure idea.

The sunset provided perfect weather for the two wolves as the tawny male’s tongue lolled out of the side of his cheek, plummeting down the side of a hill as the hare bolted for it’s life to find one of it’s many holes to dive into. Seaver was stupid fast, and normally he’d be able to catch them with little struggle, but this was more of a game than an actual hunt, and somewhere off behind him Lawson was chasing his own hare. The light pounding of his feet kicked up stray blades of grass as he bounded over the path, the hare’s rump in his sights.


“Run Seaver, run!” The yell traveled far across the open terrain of the Barrens. The two Coursers were swerving and leaving trails in the grass as they both chased after their hares. This was a nice chance for them to bond, unwind, and have some good old fashioned fun. Granted, when Seaver first suggested the idea, Lawson had been against it - more running? They did enough of that with their hunts! But it was a good chance to spend time with his self-proclaimed best friend. Ever since Seaver’s promotion, there was hardly any time just to hang out!

His black paws pounded against the soil as he ran, doing his best to keep up with the sharp turns of the hare. Between the two, Seaver was the speed and Lawson was the muscle, so it wasn’t too much of a shock when the small mammal darted into the underbrush. “I lost mine!” he hollered between pants then straightened, ears perked forward as a howl ran through their ears. What was that for? Oh crap, were they in trouble? This couldn’t be good.


A heavy howl that grew louder as the owner approached made him skid to a distracted halt, causing the hare to disappear within seconds. He panted heavily, heart racing to catch up with his stamina but listened at the same time to tell where the howls were coming from. He recognized them, and confused him at the same time. What did Alcatraz want at a time like this?

He faintly could detect the deep voice calling his name, and he shot Lawson a glance of concern before bounding off in the direction of the sound, lifting his head to give a very bumpy howl of response to let him know he had received.

It didn’t take long for the two to enter the tree-line and skid in front of the massive Gamma Warden, Seaver naturally falling into a submissive hunch with his ears relaxed. ”What’s up? You look razzled.” He asked, though he hoped that his remark wouldn’t give him a bonk on the head. Alcatraz was mad intimidating and definitely earned all of Seaver’s respect. He was not a wolf to be messed with. 


Catching his friend’s glance, the two of them ran off towards the source of the noise. It didn’t take long for them to reach the forest and he slowed to a walk before stopping. He offered the Warden a smile. As he opened his mouth to speak, Laws shut it quickly at the expression on the brown male’s face. Alcatraz didn’t look too pleased and Seaver noticed it too.


The Gamma Warden felt fury as he reached Seaver and Lawson. He knew right when he saw them unharmed that that he had been tricked. His yellow eyes were livid as they looked upon Seaver, and then Lawson. But the anger was not directed at them, whether they knew it or not. “Come with me. I’ll explain on the way. Now. With that the huge Gamma Warden turned and raced back toward the way he came. Lawson and Seaver would be able to keep up easily, he expected, for Alcatraz himself was not particularly fast.

He explained the situation in rasping breaths as they ran. ”Crash tricked me!” He snarled, sounding as if he was ready to murder the female. And he just might if he caught her. ”She told me that you needed help fighting off a bear…” Alcatraz shook his head with a snarl. He could punish himself for his stupidity and grumble about trusting new wolves later. Right now they needed to catch Bloom. ”I am sure she took Bloom and they are heading to Blutwald as we speak.” Alcatraz finished as the three raced toward the area where Bloom was kept.

“You two are swifter than me, and surely swifter than the half-starved Bloom. I imagine they will head a straight line toward Blutwald. Lawson, you are to run ahead. You know the territory better than them. Reach the border before they do and secure it.” the dark male ordered. And then to Seaver he said, ”You will come with me to where we kept Bloom, find their scent, and chase them down from behind. I will be right behind you.” The dark wolf said, but he did not want to hold his packmates back. They were made for speed, Alcatraz for strength.

”In the mean time, we must all howl, and alert the rest of the pack that the prisoner has escaped.” Alcatraz then stopped speaking, his pawsteps thundering against the ground, and he waited for their response. He wanted to make sure they were okay with their assignments and there were no other concerns.


His jaw tightened and he cast a quick glance back to Lawson as the rage was very very much apparent on their fellow pack mates face. What on Earth peed in his dinner? He reacted almost instantly upon hearing the command, flattening his ears and letting his tail tuck underneath him as he pounded after the much heavier set male. At the pace they were going Seaver considered it a general canter, but obviously their tasks called for different physical aspects, so he had no room to judge. Alcatraz could crush him with a single paw.

Shock struck him and he couldn’t help but exclaiming, his tall ears popping forward in alert. ”What?!” He wasn’t sure what to think at first. Crash had left Blutwald to join them, claiming she wanted to be apart of Aryn’s family and a whole bunch of other nonsense. Lady Athena had welcomed her in with open arms, regardless of her origins, and now this? Betrayal didn’t sit well with him, suddenly he felt a strange emotion pulse through his upper arms as if he wanted to run faster than he had ever run before and punish her for her actions. His brows furrowed into a serious expression, now was time for business. They had to stop the escape at all costs.


This was bad. Very, very bad. No one could make him feel this absolute fear like Alcatraz could. His brain desperately scrambled to try to figure out what he did to cause this type of fury. Both Coursers shared a glance before wordlessly taking off after the Warden. His ears were pushed back and tail tucked in submission. He fell easily in stride with the both of them though was a bit behind as they were both Gammas. Now was not the time to be disrespectful.

Lawson nearly tripped in shock at the news. “What?!” he exclaimed in union with Seaver. His mind was racing as they ran. In their time in Aryn, he hadn’t really gotten to know either one of them. Well, that made sense in Bloom’s case since she was a prisoner of war and he wasn’t about to be given the responsibility of watching over her. Crash, on the other hand, had joined a little bit before him. They had only met in passing but from what he knew, she left Blutwald behind to join them. How could she betray the pack like this?! A surge of anger rose from the pit of his stomach and made his throat tight.


There was no way Aryn was about to be made fools out of by two Blutwaldians. He nodded firmly and turned to look back at Lawson. ”Hunting stealth. When we get close, form an ambush. You know the drill!” He barked, now taking charge of his new responsibilities as a Gamma. He trusted his friend to make this break count. Once he was off, Seaver kept perfect stride with Alcatraz as they headed towards the Rockhollow Tarn, swiftly dodging fallen debris. I can’t believe this, we trusted her! He growled under his breath as he pointed  his head forward to alert the pack, sounding an alarm howl the loudest he could.


His gold eyes blinked, swallowing painfully at their commands. Alcatraz wanted him to do what? The pressure made his legs feel sluggish and he looked between them with slight  hesitation. No, now was not the time to chicken out. They were counting on him! Besides, there was no way Alcatraz would give him this task if he didn’t believe Lawson could do it. This was his chance to prove his worth and loyalty to his pack. Inwardly, he was thankful for the fighting lessons he just finished with the Warden.

With newfound resolve, he nodded to them both. “I won’t let you down.” Inhaling sharply, he dug deep and pushed off the ground, sprinting ahead the two of them towards the border. As he ran, Seaver’s howl rang in his ears; he tilted his head up and let his own howl join, hoping it would reach anyone nearby.


Doing his best to keep up Varrick waddled along behind his ranger companion. The terrain had turned from pleasant grassy slopes to rocky course cliffs in what seemed like no time at all to the tiring pup. When they came across their first rock scuttle his legs turned all wobbly, and he was forced to sit down. He was beginning to have his doubts about joining Alex on this trek. Though he didn’t want to let the ranger see that, after all he had assured the male that he would not hold him up. So one shaky step at a time he hauled himself up the rocky slopes. A couple times his paws slipped on a loose rock, and at one point he got stuck trying to squeeze through a crevice. Though each time he was able to wiggle his way out and up till he made it to the peak of the  cliff.

He was so thankful for the level ground he let his body melt into it, his pudgy stomach heaving in and out with deep tired gulps of air. It took several minutes for him to catch his breath and even then it held a slight quiver. Once calmed he wiggled his body around so he could peer down the path he had climbed. The sight made him woozy, but at the same moment thrilled. He had climbed that. The thought made him giddy, and he wagged his tail triumphantly.

He was just about to turn to Alex when something caught his eye. Two wolves down below were traveling through the mountain as well. His face scrunched in confusion when he recognized one of the wolves as the red prisoner. Pinning back his small little ears Varrick turned to Alex to see if he saw them too.


Today Alexandro had started his Ranger duties as always, but for today the little Varrick wanted to go with him, it seemed that the young one was interested in something related to his task, he enjoyed the company, and before he could answer the little one promised to not hold him back, he didn’t want to waste more time and accepted.

He always was looking back to him, without Varrick noticing of course, he didn’t want to make him feel bad, and he was trying really hard to climb and walk throw the rocks and tricky place they were, Alexandro was of course, use to it, but maybe Varrick being a little fatty and with his size, well, it seemed it was difficult to him, but he never give up and didn’t ask for any help, finally, they reached their destiny, he could see the happiness and satisfaction in Varrick’s face, somehow, it made him remember his younger times in old Aryn.

But the moment was abruptly interrupted when Alexandro saw something in the distance, they were two wolves, from Aryn, running to Blutwald, he could hear the howl of Seaver in the distance, it was the alarm! And there was Bloom! They were escaping, he growled furiously, his pelt puff out, he looked at Varrick, he knew the young one also had notice this, Alexandro let a deep howl came out of his throat, trying to let the others now his location and that he had already notice the runners “There is no time to waste Varrick! We better get does two back to Aryn before they manage to escape!” He said while running down, towards the two females directions “Come on Varrick! We can do this!” His heart was pounding like crazy, he could feel already the adrenaline fill his body, also with fury and anger.


A sound filtered through the air from a distance away, and Crash paused, breath caught in her throat. It was Seaver, and that was the alarm being raised. Luck, it would seem, were not on their side. As she swung her head around to begin hurrying Bloom, she spotted movement in the dusk air, spying two wolves higher up the mountain. A moment later, Alexandro’s howl filled the air, much louder than Seaver’s.

Crash cursed, loudly and viciously, not bothering to stay and watch the two wolves stumble down the dangerous cliffs. With luck, maybe one or both of them would fall to their deaths. Crash felt no remorse for these thoughts, even though she herself had been the one to save Alexandro when she first infiltrated Aryn. Maybe she could use that against him… If they ever found them. Night had well and truly fallen, and that might be their only saving grace.

Either way, she wasn’t going to be the one to die here, far from her children and her home. Crash had been through worse than this, and come out on top. She just needed to survive. “Come on, Bloom,” Crash ordered, her head emptying of anxiety. A cool rush of calm ran through her, her mind already trying to calculate possibilities. With Alexandro and the other wolf having spotted them, and having heard the alarm, there wasn’t much she could do in ways of lying. “You want to return to your family?” She questioned harshly, trying to spur the smaller wolf into adrenaline fuelled action. Crash knew adrenaline was one hell of a drug, and that a wolf could do unbelievable things while it was coursing through their veins. “Keep moving, stay in the shadows, and keep going west. I’ll be right behind you, but if you don’t spot me, don’t turn back. You understand me?”


Stumbling over rocks, and watching the tumble away down the cliff , her concentration broke off as she heard a closer howl. She recognized it as Alexandro. He was once kind to her, but..apparently it wasn’t enough to break orders from his pack. Turning her head around, her eyes searched the cliffs for the wolf. She could two forms on the cliffs above them. The larger one must be Alex. Eyes slitted, she turned back to Crash as she began to speak to her.

“Yes, I want to my family, have family too..” She said, fearing that even if she get out of this Crash might be caught if she fell behind. Bloom whipped her head back and forth, “Crash..I..” Staring into the adult wolf’s face, her mouth fell open but nothing but air came out. Chills ran through her body, she had to do what Crash told her to, she’d do it anyway.

“Don’t..don’t leave me,” she told Crash, then went about following orders, pushing through along through the rocky cliffside, focusing on trying to stand in the shadows of the higher cliffs. Night was falling quickly and soon it’d be hard to see, but hopefully the moon would guide her home to safety..and Crash too.. Above, high above the cliffs she heard the screech of a falcon and spotted it circling above them, then saw it fly off, riding air currents..


“I won’t leave you,” Crash murmured in reply, before nudging Bloom forward with her snout. No longer did she backtrace and roll around to scatter their scents, instead sticking close to Bloom’s tail, her ears turning constantly to try and pick up sounds in the dark night. She barely even looked where she was going, her light paws picking out the best spots to be placed as they trotted. Her head twisted back every now and then, trying to find their hunters, but both wolves had disappeared from Crash’s eyesight. It wasn’t a reassuring thought. At least they were beginning to near the edge of Aryn’s borders.


The ranger’s call to action made Varrick’s fur tingle, and his paws kneaded the ground anxiously as he peered over the cliff’s edge. The two wolves bellow also seemed energized by the cry as their pace quickened through the rough terrain. In a flash Alex had thrown himself down the steep rocks in a snarling frenzie. Varrick danced around the rim, barking and whining in obvious distress. He knew he had to follow the male, but fear kept him from making the first leap. Not being able to go down the pup decided to go the only way he could; forward through the mountain path.

Not taking his eyes off his quarry except the occasional glance forward Varrick tracked the runners movement from the mountain. His thick legs actually maneuvering well along the rocks and narrow path now that his focus was no longer on himself. When a fallen tree blocked his path Varrick didn’t even flinch, but dived under the thick trunk and leapt back into a run on the other side. He did not notice however when his path took a sharp U-turn up, and he went barreling down the steep wooded slope.


Every bush, tree, and blade of grass was a blur as the brown wolf ran with all his might. It felt like every muscle and joint were screaming for relief but he kept pushing forward. Who knew what terrible consequences would come if Bloom and Crash escaped! He pinned his eyes shut to get rid of the thought. There was no way they would make it - Aryn had to stop them! They would! Alcatraz and Seaver were probably behind him now to help close in on the trespassers. He had to stay focused and get to the border as fast as he could.

A howl from the west rang through the air and he skidded to a stop. He heaved for breath, gold eyes scanning back and forth to try and pinpoint the howl. It had to be from someone in Aryn; there was no way Bloom and Crash would be stupid enough to give away their location. The elements, unfortunately, were on their side as the sun had set and the mountainous terrain stood before him. After a few more gulps of air, he gritted his teeth and started running towards the call.

It didn’t take him long to scale the steep incline. Adrenaline was pounding through his veins as he once again tried to locate anyone. His gaze and head moved back and forth desperately until they spotted Alexandro and Varrick… and the escapees! Yes! Tilting his head back, he released a long, loud, and almost desperate howl for the Gammas he prayed weren’t too far behind. In an instant though, all his optimism faded away. Alex was charging down the hillside while Varrick, the little omega, was tumbling down towards danger.


Fear seized him instantly and he flailed about wildly trying to regain the advantage. Trees whirled past him in a reeling blur, while sticks and rocks beat against his back and sides. At one point he felt the ground leave his paws, and for a split second he wondered if it was over. Then the ground came crashing into him so hard it took the air out of his lungs. For a moment he just lay there broken and daized. He could hear the commotion of the chase whirling around him, and it lulled him back into consciousness.

Swaying slightly he lifted himself up and looked around. The sight that greeted him snapped him back into reality as he was face to face with the escapees. Dumbfounded he sat there staring at them, not knowing what to do.


A sudden halt to the movement snapped Crash’s attention from their surroundings, and she edged around Bloom, paws delicately navigating the edge of the cliff. Sitting in front of them, dust still settling around him, was.. “Varrick?” A pup Crash had seen around, but never interacted with. He was sweet enough, if a little quiet. “Are you okay? What…” What was he doing here? She felt bewildered. Why was a juvenile wolf in the hunt to catch them, and more importantly, how had he caught up to them? Even though he was an Aryn wolf, Crash didn’t want to hurt the young boy. Maybe she could use him as a bargaining tool…


Jumping backwards  as she heard rocks tumble down the side of a cliff. Crash had moved in front of her, the fur on her scruff began to bristle nervously. As the dust cleared she noticed a young wolf stumbling to his paws. “They’re sendings pups after us?” She looked over at Crash, then back to Varrick and frowned. “Come on, Crash.. Lets go.. We can out run this pup..”


Fear froze the pup where he sat in front of the two fugitives; his eyes wide as saucers. He knew he had to do something. He would never forgive himself if they slipped through the borders, not after being so close to them. A true guardian would be able to handle the situation. When one of them made to pass him he felt a spark ignite him into action, leaping to his paws he snarled at the two to keep them at bay. Hackles raised, tail up, and teeth bared Varrick took on a completely new personality. One filled with a fierce protectiveness and loyalty to his pack.


“Varrick! Alexandro!” His panic was evident in the words when without a moment’s hesitation he stumbled down the hill. Thankfully, he was lower down than the two of them and closer to the females, as he dug his claws into the rock to get some sort of control. Alcatraz’s words were echoing in his head but he shook it violently; there was no way the Ranger was going to reach in time! Laws couldn’t let Varrick be near those two alone! Instinct took over as he shot forward in front of the black wolf with his lip pulled back, exposing his canines.


 She wanted to tug on Crash’s tail to move her. Before she could make any such movements another wolf jumped in front of the pup and began to snarl at them. “LET US GO HOME!” She cried, whimpering sadly. “I want to see my family..” She whined loudly. She didn’t care that she sounded like a pup, she wanted to go home!


Before she could do anything, all three wolves still staring in shock at each other, another wolf leapt out in front of him, snarling up a storm. Despite the cool front she put on for Bloom, Crash found herself flinching back. She hated conflict. “Lawson,” Crash greeted, her voice tight with barely concealed worry. In a fight with any but the weakest wolf, Crash was likely to lose. The jagged cliffs would be her only way to win here, but she was loathe to shed blood.

Original skin by SimplySilent | BG from MiriStock
Summary: With Athena and many ranking members gone on a mission to Vale, Crash and Bloom orchestrate their escape back to Blutwald. But the wolves of Aryn are quick to take up the chase.

Part II

Heart of a Warden by DawnFrost

Crash Alcatraz | Bloom | Seaver | Lawson | Varrick Alexandro
:iconkiterrax: :iconwildfire-tama: :iconselenethewerewolf: :iconspicyspaghettio: :iconswitt: :icondawnfrost: :iconflorafudou:
© 2015 - 2024 WynBird
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Densetsu-Blood's avatar
Can't wait for part 2!<3